Current projects
Current projects in which BICC - Sandanski implements/participates.
Project GrowthFundMe
Period of implementation: 04.2023 – 03.2025
The main objective of the GrowthFundMe is to increase social inclusion, employability and entrepreneurial initiative among people and communities with fewer opportunities by promoting new forms of self-organisation, solidarity and citizenship, with crowd building, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing as social networking, communication and participation tools.
Project Seniors for Change
Period of implementation: 09.2023 – 08.2025
The objective of the project is to empower seniors to contribute to the fight against climate change through social media and DIY sharing. The project strives to demonstrate the seniors’ role in building a greener and more sustainable Europe, revalorize existing ecological practices and transmit the seniors’ practices to other generations by using social media. The project is set in the context of the digital gap between the generations.
Project 3DAcademy
Period of implementation: 11.2023 – 10.2025
Combining the experience and expertise of a diverse partnership (10 organisations from 5 European countries) consisting of industry and VET organisations, the overall objective of the 3DAcademy project is to enhance the capacity of VET providers to offer training in and through 3D technologies to increase the uptake of new teaching approaches and practices that are more relevant to the current and future needs of the economy, society, and the changing skills needs of the labor market.
3DAcademy project will develop, test and offer a blended training programme/methodology combining the online learning modules and Platform with a Train-the-trainers Guide with step-bystep guidance on how to organise and deliver blended 3D technologies training for students in VET schools and out-of-class VET and adult education activities.
Project RurALL
Period of implementation: 01.2024 – 06.2026
RurALL addresses the major challenge of depopulation in rural areas that is considered as one of most universal challenges of Danube area. Consequently, rural areas are facing lack of highly educated labour force and economic competitiveness, increasing ageing population, low accessibility and reducing quality of public services. Rural communities have insufficient resources and capacities to design and initiate an effective policy response for such a comprehensive challenge therefore we are going to develop a multi-stakeholder governance model.