Project GrowthFundMe

Project: Supporting community-based entrepreneurship and solidarity through civic crowdfunding
Acronym: GrowthFundMe
Programme Erasmus+ Co-funded be the European Commission
KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Period of implementation: 04.2023 – 03.2025

Project objective:
The main objective of the GrowthFundMe is to increase social inclusion, employability and entrepreneurial initiative among people and communities with fewer opportunities by promoting new forms of self-organisation, solidarity and citizenship, with crowd building, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing as social networking, communication and participation tools.
GrowthFundMe will be connecting civic crowdfunding and business training, with all the bonuses regarding mobilisation of the local resources and networking skills that come along. The project will build capacity and engage communities through the launch of crowdfunding campaigns, working to strengthen the digital skills and active engagement in view of promoting community-based entrepreneurship and change within their regions and communities.